Degree Pathways In Singapore: Planning Your Academic Journey

Degree Pathways In Singapore: Planning Your Academic Journey

Degree Pathways In Singapore: Planning Your Academic Journey – Finding the ideal path to pursue your undergraduate studies is certainly no walk in the park. With so many courses, institutions and junior colleges to choose from, new ‘O’ Level graduates are left inundated with endless choices.

This step towards adulthood and building a career begins with the question “What do you want to be in the future?”

Degree Pathways In Singapore: Planning Your Academic Journey

Degree Pathways In Singapore: Planning Your Academic Journey

While an answer isn’t always obvious at the start, that doesn’t mean your higher education journey can’t begin. With a good sense of one’s passion and the right environment, one can embark on a fulfilling journey towards their aspirations after ‘O’ Levels.

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Completing one’s ‘O’ level is a triumphant moment. It is a clean slate for people to start their journey of passion and long-term goals whether it is to enter the world of work or to pursue a graduate degree when they finish their higher education.

To aid this effort, a global university education can benefit many students who want to work abroad or locally. Global Education (GE) adopts a holistic learning approach with university partners from Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Europe. Both local and international students get the opportunity to establish careers with a different worldview embedded in their higher education experience.

For students looking to advance beyond a bachelor’s degree, pursuing a graduate program is an appropriate long-term goal of mastering a chosen field. GE students can continue their studies in various disciplines such as Accounting, Business, Cyber ​​Security and Management, Economics, Engineering, and more.

Following one’s passions and interests can carry on towards a defined career. At GE, various disciplines such as Arts & Social Sciences, IT & Computer Science and Business and Specialties & Nursing are offered to students, allowing everyone to find a program that suits their needs and aspirations. For example, students pursuing a program under the Arts & Social Sciences discipline can look forward to careers in media, public relations or even urban planning.

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Improve your skills by choosing a program not for its ease and comfort level, but for its ability to challenge you and benefit your overall growth.

At GE, there are more than 10 reputable university partners. Each university partner has a different teaching pedagogy and placement mode. Students can easily find one that best suits their ideal learning style and personality.

There are a multitude of pathways and options at GE for ‘O’ Level graduates that equip its students for their aspirations. Join us at Future Beyond ‘O’s on January 30, Saturday, 10am to learn more.

Degree Pathways In Singapore: Planning Your Academic Journey

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SINGAPORE — Twenty years from now, Ms Tan, 25, wants to be able to look back on her career and see that she has picked up many practical and soft skills while doing various interesting roles, not necessarily in the same industry.

A LinkedIn survey found that more than a large majority of Singapore professionals believe that a strong network is more important in helping to find a job today than 20 years ago.

“I don’t want to look back 20 years later only to find out that I only learned five new things, you know. Opportunities for growth is a question I always ask during the interview, “he added. Ms. Tan did not want to reveal her full name because she is between jobs and did not want to jeopardize her chances of being hired.

On Tuesday (May 16), which found that more than six in 10 (62 percent) professionals in Singapore believe that a degree is less important in landing a job today compared to 20 years ago.

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Instead, things like active networking, continuous improvement, and possessing various skills and experiences are increasingly important in the job market.

The survey also found that 73 percent of Singapore professionals surveyed think that companies are now more comfortable with hiring professionals who may not have relevant work experience, but are equipped with the right skills.

Young people, employers and human resources professionals told TODAY that they have seen a shift towards a skills-first approach, but that does not mean that academic qualifications should be scrapped entirely.

Degree Pathways In Singapore: Planning Your Academic Journey

Singapore has debated the issue of meritocracy in recent years, with government ministers repeating that they want the society to be one that allows multiple paths to success.

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Speaking in Parliament last month, President Halimah Yacob said that the Government needed to rethink its approach to education and employment, including giving greater value to those with technical and practical skills.

In such a society, one’s skills and experience should not be considered less valuable than one’s academic qualifications, and the wage gap between white-collar and blue-collar workers should not be as wide as it is today.

Mr. Frank Koo, head of Asia, talent and learning solutions at LinkedIn, said: “There is no longer a single formula for career success and more people are actively pursuing purposeful careers on their own terms.”

To study how Singaporean professionals’ attitudes towards work have changed over the years, LinkedIn commissioned Censuswide, a research firm, to survey 1,000 Singapore-based workers aged 18 and above from April 6 to April 12.

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More than three-quarters (77 percent) of Singapore professionals today said they are more open to career pivots, compared to 20 years ago.

Seven in 10 plan to pivot to a new career, or a role with a different job scope, in the next two to three years, the study found.

Ms. Tan, who used to work in the information technology sector, said: “At my current stage in my life, I’m still in the middle of figuring myself out. I don’t want to set anything in stone, what I think is what a linear career will end up doing to me.”

Degree Pathways In Singapore: Planning Your Academic Journey

A 24-year-old technology strategist, who wished to remain anonymous because he did not want to influence his employers’ perception of him, agreed that a linear career path is less important today because many jobs have transferable skills. He added that he is personally open to exploring other career options and would not limit himself.

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To help them pursue non-linear careers, eight in 10 Singapore professionals agree that transferable skills have become more valuable and acceptable among employers here, the survey also found.

Mr Richard Bradshaw, managing director of recruitment firm Ethos BeathChapman (EBC), said: “With the tight talent pool, Singapore has had to focus more on transferable skills.

“At EBC, we’ve noticed a huge increase in our (clients) being more comfortable progressing their applications with only relevant skill sets but lacking industry experience, for example.”

Mr Simon Ma, managing director of software company Freshworks, said: “Things like critical thinking, your attention to detail, problem-solving skills, leadership, communication and teamwork – these will be very critical, and these are transferable skills. too.”

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Salary remains important for a job, but a majority of respondents (77 percent) believe it is now more important to find a job or company that aligns with the culture and values ​​they support and believe in, compared to 20 years ago , the study found.

Even during times of economic uncertainty, nearly eight in 10 (79 percent) of those surveyed said they would work for an organization that demonstrates an alignment with their beliefs and values.

Mr Bradshaw from EBC said: “Gen Zers have mindsets and personal values ​​that are shaped by their environment, upbringing, education and culture. It’s not just a cliché to say that we witness Gen Z looking for meaningful work that goes beyond just earning a paycheck, and prioritizes things like purpose, corporate social responsibility, and authenticity,”

Degree Pathways In Singapore: Planning Your Academic Journey

Mr. Sukhdeep Singh, director of people at Foodpanda Singapore, agreed: “We have observed that interviewees, especially younger applicants, are asking more questions about the company to assess whether the company’s values ​​and culture align with their own. them.”

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Two young professionals who spoke with TODAY agreed that alignment with a company’s values ​​was important to them.

The 24-year-old technology strategist said that although his priority as a new graduate would be his salary and gain as much experience as possible, the value of a company should be a more important factor in the future.

LinkedIn research also found that a large majority (83 percent) of Singapore professionals believe that a strong network is more important in helping to secure a job today, compared to 20 years ago.

“My friends have connected and formed good relationships with people with similar professions who work in various companies,” the technology strategist said, adding that they get useful career advice and guidance from these connections.

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Mr. Ma from Freshworks said that networking would allow workers to know the market better. They can also talk to employers to understand what they are looking for and what opportunities and trends are in the market.

Ultimately, it’s about what people do with that information. Knowing the difference between them

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