How To Make Money As A Hairstylist

How To Make Money As A Hairstylist

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The answer to the question of how to make more money as a hairdresser is not clear (pun intended). Increasing your income as a hairdresser or salon owner is not just about providing great services – after all, there is no shortage of excellent hairdressers and salons. Nor is it about raising labor costs, because the market affects its rates.

How To Make Money As A Hairstylist

How To Make Money As A Hairstylist

Making more money in the salon business requires a combination of knowledge of business marketing, sales, operations, and business management. It’s about driving business from new and existing customers while keeping expenses reasonable, so you can turn a profit.

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In this post, we will address how to do that. We’ll shed light on tips to help increase your sales, run a more efficient business, and get more value out of your efforts, so you can increase profits and ultimately put more money in your pocket. soak.

Since we are on the topic of how to make more money as a hairdresser, it is worth looking at the numbers in your market and finding out the exact salary of a hair salon owner or hairdresser salary . This will help you compare your income so you can decide if you’re paying what you’re worth or if you need to increase your rates.

For hairdressing salaries, the national median salary in the United States was $26,510 in 2010. But things have changed significantly (and for the better since then).

According to Glassdoor, in 2023 the average annual income in New York City, for a small business hairstylist is $54.5K although the high end of the bell curve can rise over 6 figures. In other cities across the US, the income The average salon owner in other city sizes is $34.4K.

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No matter where you stand as a salon owner/hair stylist, it never hurts to find ways to earn more.

To that end, here are some tips to help increase sales and profits as a hair professional.

Upselling and cross-selling are classic techniques in the beauty industry. “Upselling” is when a stylist encourages a customer to purchase a superior version of a product or service, while “cross-selling” focuses on adding complementary services or products to the sale.

How To Make Money As A Hairstylist

They are very effective in increasing transaction volumes, but these approaches are often under-used due to concerns that they may upset customers. When done well, though, they allow salons to not only increase sales but to offer their customers greater value through expert recommendations and advice.

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Have a good knowledge of treatments and products. The key to any effective cross-selling promotion is being able to explain to a customer why your offer fits their needs. Why should a client go for deep conditioning instead of regular treatment? Why would they choose product ABC over product XYZ if the former is more expensive?

Answering these questions effectively requires deep work and market knowledge, so make sure you and your team brush up on the ins and outs of your offerings. Know the ins and outs of all your treatments, what they are for, the benefits they offer, and why they are worth it.

For products, it is a good idea to ask the suppliers for additional information. Tap into their resources or see if they can hold a training session at your salon.

Choose the right time. If you’re marketing, the interaction needs to feel authentic. This means that timing is important – if your sales ad is not in position, the customer is more likely to reject it.

Hairstylists And Barbers

For example, trying to get a client up to speed during their sit-down is not a good move, because the first few minutes in your salon or booth don’t give you enough time to determine needs. customer.

It is best to engage in marketing or cross-selling once you have time to check their hair or when you have a feel for the customer.

Do not recommend an inappropriate product or service. This will often cause more harm than good if it doesn’t suit your customer’s needs. It gives the impression that you care more about making money than about satisfying customers. Needless to say, pushy or aggressive marketing tactics are also a no-no.

How To Make Money As A Hairstylist

It’s a no-brainer that making it easy to book appointments will result in more business. When reservations can be made anytime and anywhere, you are giving your customers more flexibility (which wins you points) and you can fill your calendar much faster.

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According to this article, 58% of in-app customer searches after the initial booking is completed are for the same service provider. Translation? This means once your customer books with you, they are more likely to come back and add more services to your menu.

Easy booking options clearly factor into the customer’s decision to make an appointment, so it’s important that you meet this need.

The ease of booking also has great benefits for you as a stylist. Monitoring is frustrating, but an important part of the job, and the online booking system helps make this a minimum. Not having to dash to answer the phone constantly creates a better experience for customers and allows you to devote more time to profitable activities.

One example of a business that offers convenient booking options is Citrus Salon in Georgia. Citrus Salon has an online booking portal that allows customers to schedule appointments at all hours.

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Services like water, power, and internet are essential, but there are ways to keep the cost down. Small steps, like making sure all the lights are turned off at the end of the day, will make a big difference to your bills!

Save time. The line “time is money” rings especially true for service providers like hairdressers. The more hours you have back in your day, the more time you have to serve your customers and earn more money.

For that reason, always put your time to good use. Identify any tiring or time-consuming tasks and automate them (hint: appointment scheduling falls into this category). Another suggestion? Consider the activities that make money and that you can do alone, then make sure you spend the most time on those things.

How To Make Money As A Hairstylist

Another way to order a higher salary of a haircut or a person’s salary? Hone has a specific niche. People are willing to pay more for professional-level services because they perceive them as more useful.

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After all, someone who has years of experience in a specific market is in a better position to deliver quality services compared to someone who is dabbling in many areas but is not an expert in anything.

If you have a reason that makes sense for your business, see if you can identify a specific market segment or area of ​​expertise that you can focus on.

Not sure how to find your niche as a stylist? According to entrepreneur and high-end salon owner Kate Whitledge, you probably already have one:

“After your fans have been given enough time to discover and develop their abilities, then their choice of niche comes down to what they like best.”

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If there is a job or style that you particularly enjoy, this will probably be a great niche for your business.

Emily Lynn is an example of a stylist who has found her niche. Emily focuses on bridal beauty services, and she makes this abundantly clear.

You use the front page of your website as a place for portfolio images, as well as a list of wedding publications you’ve been featured in. This gives prospective clients confidence that you are an expert in this area and can exceed their expectations:

How To Make Money As A Hairstylist

As the owner of a salon or hairdresser, you probably already have a salon menu that has advanced services or even special services: haircuts, blowouts, skin treatments, etc. If you need to make money -increase your income, consider expanding your offerings by tapping into seasonal or custom services. .

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Hairdressing is a tradition-based industry, so it is important to stay on top of the latest trends and techniques. One example is balayage hair color, which has seen a rapid rise in popularity and is a common feature in hairstyling menus. Vegan, organic, and sustainable products and services are also making waves.

Even keeping a new salon, expanding your services is an easy way to increase your sales. By adding more offers, you can expand the pool of prospective customers. This also creates more opportunities to cross-sell and customize service packages.

Making more money as a hair stylist depends on your ability to generate repeat business – especially when it’s almost 5x more expensive to attract clients than to retain them.

To that end, it may be worth setting up a loyalty program that encourages customers to come back. Here are some tips on how to do this.

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There are many options for receiving rewards. It is very limited that customers can only earn rewards through subscription services. Try to give them recognition for the different ways they can interact with your brand. Having customers follow you on social media, leave online reviews, and refer new customers is instrumental in growing your business – so why not encourage it?

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