How To Protect Yourself As An Empath

How To Protect Yourself As An Empath

How To Protect Yourself As An Empath – I want to share with you a different perspective that may open up a wonderful new world of freedom and possibility for you.

I recently had a client ask me how I protect my energy when I’m working with clients so that I don’t take away their energy.

How To Protect Yourself As An Empath

How To Protect Yourself As An Empath

I sent him a voice note sharing my perspective and he said it gave him chills and brought tears to his eyes because he always thought of himself as an empath and with that came a struggle to boundaries of his various relationships. He was surprised by the freedom he felt in what I shared.

Self Care For Empaths: Maintaining Balance In Your Life

Because it resonated so much with him, I wanted to share it in case it might open up a new layer of liberation for you, too.

There is nothing “wrong” with these messages but they can limit your freedom because they all center on the belief that other people can drain your energy and therefore you need to protect it.

Your power and freedom are with you, always. When we choose to believe this in other people, we experience limitation, failure and powerlessness.

This is not a problem. But it’s something we can learn so we can choose to engage with our emotional wounds in a way that creates more freedom instead of perpetuating the wounds.

Triggers For Empaths And How To Protect Yourself

Any energy that arises in you in response to another person is your own emotions and processing energy.

They do not enter your body and control your energy. All this is happening inside you.

Your healing and freedom will also happen within you, not by having to completely avoid any situations or people that feel “draining”. The situation or person did not discourage you; it just shows you where you already have an energetic imbalance.

How To Protect Yourself As An Empath

The only reason you feel “drained” or “vampirized” by another person’s energy is because there is a suppressed energy or emotion in you.

Donna G. Bourgeois Quote: “i Have So Much Knowledge Tucked Away About How To Protect Yourself, For Even If You Are An Empath Full Of Peace And Love…”

And that is in your power to feel and process within you, no matter what you choose to interact with the person or situation.

This is just an opportunity for you to be free of some of the limiting energy in yourself and from there, you can make choices from freedom, wisdom and clarity rather than from “I can’t be with this person because they control me my strength.”.

Then you can have compassion instead of empathy and you can offer your presence without being consumed by them.

Compassion is: I don’t feel what you feel for me but I have felt and processed it before so I can have compassion for you.

Self Care For Empaths: How To Protect Your Energy Every Single Day (2024)

Empathy is: I feel how you feel (or the same) as me because I have unprocessed emotions inside me.

If there is a situation where you feel tired of another person, it does not mean that your experience is invalid. It is.

Find where it is in the body and directly feel the sensations. Be aware and feel the feelings in you directly (not by thinking about them mentally or staying stuck in the story of “they’re draining my energy”). This is what allows emotions that were previously trapped in the body to shift back into free flowing energy.

How To Protect Yourself As An Empath

Through this process, your freedom is no longer dependent on others. Your choices are no longer based on the need to protect (avoid) your emotional wounds. You heal and process your own wounds (or sickness as Eckhart Tolle says) which frees you to respond to wisdom and freedom.

How To Protect Yourself As An Empath With Reggie Mckiver

And the more you do this, the stronger your strength will be and the less it will be moved by others. How amazing does that feel?

You no longer have to carry the burden of empath identity. How would it feel to be out of it, to not have to worry about protecting your energy? What is transferable for you?

If you want support that releases “stuck” emotions and access to your intuition, you can book an inner voice session here. Being a highly sensitive person or an Empath can be difficult. Empaths absorb the emotions and feelings of others. They can feel what other people are feeling emotionally as if it were their own. For example, if an empath is around someone who is sad they may be struck with deep unexplained sadness because they accept the other person’s emotions. So, as you know it can be stressful at times. Additionally, Empaths seem to be a magnet for people with issues and low vibrations. They know how you feel so people with problems gravitate to them, often the only one who understands. As such, it is very important for people who are sensitive in this way to protect themselves so that they are not constantly fighting the ups and downs of all the emotions around them.

If you are reading this it is safe to assume that you identify as an Empath HOWEVER if you are curious about what an Empath is and what the signs of being one are, check out our blog post 5 Signs You Are One Empath.

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Now, you identify as an empath or it’s not important to protect your energy. Protecting your energy means among other things, the idea that you don’t let outside things influence your vibration and happiness. It means that you are in control of your emotions and your feelings, not letting others. Below is a list of our favorite ways to protect our energy.

Affirmations – ok, so some people don’t think of affirmations as a way to protect your energy but we think they are. They are also good to use as a tool to maintain our positive vibrations. What we think we create. Our favorite expression for Empaths: “I treat myself lovingly, honor my sensitivity, and let go of what I can’t feel.”

Define & Set Boundaries in Relationships– Control who you allow into your life and who you spend time with. Being an empath means you accept all the good and negative feelings of others. Energy is contagious. Surround yourself with people who make you happy and lift you up. Remove yourself from negativity and especially toxic situations. We’re not saying you’re not there for the people you love, we’re saying you know the difference between a friend and someone who uses your empathy to better themselves.

How To Protect Yourself As An Empath

Home and Work Boundaries – You spend the most time in these areas. Make them as comfortable as possible. Use things like crystals to protect your space and clear negative energy. Listen to soothing sounds or soothing music when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Decide who you will allow in your space.

How To Protect Your Energy As An Empath

Crystals – We mentioned crystals above, but not only can you keep them in your home or work you can also wear them on you. Here is a list of amazing Crystals for Empaths.

Meditation – One of our favorite ways to cope with being an empath. Do a grounding meditation if you’re not feeling very different. Meditate on feeling balanced and releasing any negative energy you’ve been harboring. You can combine affirmations and/or visualizations during your session. We suggest doing one meditation in the morning to build your energy for the day and one at night to help clear anything you’ve picked up throughout the day. For more information on the Benefits of Meditation click here.

Visualization – Visualization is a powerful technique to protect your energy. There are many different ways to use visualization. A popular method is to take a couple of breaths to bring peace. Imagine a healing white light surrounding you and extending a few inches around you. Visualization is to protect you from stressful, stressful, or negative situations. This can be done during meditation as well as when you feel the need to protect your aura.

Reiki – Reiki, as well as other energy healing techniques, is a great way to help clear any emotional blocks you may have, balance the chakras, clear the aura, and help the earth . Reiki energy is amazing and a great tool for Empaths to help cope with emotions or energies that a person may feel throughout their day. Below is a Reiki Energy Healing for Empaths. Simple relax and be open to receive the energy 🙂“Daring to set limits is having the courage to love ourselves even if we run the risk of disappointing others.

Tips To Protect Yourself As An Empath

Today, empaths tune into all the crazy energy going on in the world. It is more important than ever to learn how to interpret: “Is it mine or someone else’s?”

Chris and I love working with empaths because we see them as healers of the world. If you’re not sure what an empath is, it’s someone who picks up on the energy of others around them, whether positive or negative. It is a gift, but it can also be a burden for those who have not learned how to protect their energy.

In this episode of The Elevated Life®, we share 3 ways to protect your

How To Protect Yourself As An Empath

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