Mapping Out Your Education: Creating A Comprehensive Degree Strategy In D.c.

Mapping Out Your Education: Creating A Comprehensive Degree Strategy In D.c.

Mapping Out Your Education: Creating A Comprehensive Degree Strategy In D.c. – A training needs analysis is a key tool in the arsenal of any L&D professional, trainer or training consultant. It is effective in identifying areas of learning and development that you need to focus on in order to address performance gaps that are hindering the achievement of organizational goals. In this article, we will explain what a training needs analysis is, provide a guide to conducting this analysis, and provide useful examples.

A training needs analysis (TNA) is a process for identifying gaps between actual and desired knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) in a job.

Mapping Out Your Education: Creating A Comprehensive Degree Strategy In D.c.

Mapping Out Your Education: Creating A Comprehensive Degree Strategy In D.c.

The need for such an analysis usually arises because of an organizational problem. It could be a lower-than-expected quarter for the sales team, a technology change that threatens to affect the continuity of rail operators, or consistently low customer satisfaction scores that force the product team to be more agile and customer-focused. In all these cases, the problems can potentially be solved through training.

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In other words, when a lack of knowledge, skills or abilities is causing the problem, conducting a training needs analysis and subsequent training can be a viable solution.

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Conversely, a training needs analysis will not be effective if it is wider organizational issues that are causing the problems. This may mean that rather than a lack of knowledge, skills or abilities, our diagnosis may indicate that sales are low because of a mismatch between work and rewards. Or that customer satisfaction is low because the top-down product strategy is not aligned with what customers are looking for.

An example we came across was assertiveness training that a large district hospital wanted to purchase from a respected supplier. The problems were increased incidents of harassment and medical errors caused by nurses not showing up. The organization sought to train these nurses in assertiveness.

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During the intake, the trainer realized that the organizational culture was highly hierarchical and that it was common for people who spoke up to be fired or otherwise punished. The trainer declined to participate, explaining that the hospital first needed to work on a culture where it was safe to speak before training its staff. Doing it the other way around could have devastating consequences for nurses. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities KSA refers to the knowledge, skills and abilities that employees must have in order to perform their responsibilities within their roles. These are listed in the job description and guide candidates and employers in assessing a person’s chances of success. Knowledge Topics and subjects that can be used when performing work functions when a person is employed. Examples: Knowledge of accounting principles and practices Knowledge of budget control policies and procedures Skills Technical or manual skills are usually acquired or learned through training. They are visible and measurable. Examples: Analytical and problem solving skills Skills in using Microsoft Excel and accounting software Competencies Ability to apply knowledge and skills to perform a task. It also includes personal and social traits that are innate or acquired without formal training. Examples: Ability to process large amounts of numerical data Ability to prioritize work and meet deadlines Levels of training needs analysis

There are three levels of training needs analysis based on your organization’s goals and the knowledge and skills needed to achieve the goals at each level:

The purpose of training needs analysis is to identify and bridge knowledge and skills gaps in the workforce in order to achieve optimal performance. TNA also uncovers the reasons for gaps and helps determine different approaches to address those gaps.

Mapping Out Your Education: Creating A Comprehensive Degree Strategy In D.c.

Analyzing training needs not only benefits the organization, but also positively affects the employee experience. Karolina Kijowska, head of people and culture at tech startup PhotoAiD, explains that they conduct a training needs analysis not only when a problem arises.

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“We also go for it when employees are looking for more growth opportunities because we want to offer them the best tailored training. L&D programs based on training needs analysis helped our organization raise its eNPS scores from 57 to 65 points. That’s because we provide employees with the training opportunities they’ve been looking for,” Kijowska points out. Training needs analysis best practice

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Next, let’s look at how to conduct a training needs analysis. How to conduct a training needs analysis

We will walk through each step of the training needs analysis process using an example, explain the different elements to consider, and define what is needed to move forward to the next step. In our example, we will assume that a training solution can fulfill an organizational need.

A Guide To Conducting A Training Needs Analysis + Free Template

As described earlier, training needs analysis is always initiated by an organizational symptom or pain point. Philippe Moriau calls this “organizational stress” in the context of future skills in the video below.

Usually, (senior) management comes to the L&D team with one of these symptoms and asks how they can help fix it. These problems can include:

Pain points often relate to new opportunities for which the organization wants to prepare. According to Veena KV, head of people at FirstPrinciples, some examples are:

Mapping Out Your Education: Creating A Comprehensive Degree Strategy In D.c.

All these challenges relate to organizational goals. If not, the challenges are usually not worth solving. A manager is unlikely to turn to L&D for a training solution. If the organizational goal is unclear, take the time to research it. Research will help you diagnose the problem and training needs.

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Organizational goals and outcomes are difficult to influence because the entire organization contributes to them. They are subject to behavioral influences outside of the employee, so they are difficult to improve through training.

The best approach is to break down the organizational goal into a departmental or individual goal (we’ll do this later in this article) or focus on core competencies.

Basic competencies are competencies that all employees in the organization must have. Most organizations have defined and specified what good performance on these competencies looks like. Everyone in the organization should have a basic level of skill in these competencies. There is consensus on these core competencies, so it is easy to define their relevant work behaviors (step 2).

Before proceeding to the next step, the L&D professional should examine whether this organizational goal can only be achieved through appropriate work behavior (step 2). Non-behavioral influences can also affect these goals, which should be addressed in tandem with the learning solution.

Infographic: Competency Based Training » Cypher Learning

The training needs analysis process is very similar for individual cases. Instead of an organizational goal, an individual or departmental goal is stated. An individual goal should be directly linked to a departmental or organizational goal to ensure maximum performance.

Let’s say we’re an L&D professional working for a large consulting firm. Currently, a small group of partners sell large projects to clients. However, in the future, all consultants will have to sell their services to (potential) clients. In other words, this will be a new core competency that everyone in the organization needs to develop.

The next step is to define appropriate work behaviors that will build this competency in order to achieve the organizational goal.

Mapping Out Your Education: Creating A Comprehensive Degree Strategy In D.c.

In order for consultants to sell their services, they must build relationships, identify and explore opportunities, provide solutions and commercially close the deal. If we were to define these behaviors, they would look like this.

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Able to effectively build and maintain relationships with a wide range of potential clients; stay top of mind.

The next step is to break down these exaggerated behaviors into the skills and knowledge needed to demonstrate these behaviors effectively.

When it comes to an individual job, work behavior can be analyzed through job analysis. The most common approach here is the task inventory. For example, a receptionist has many duties, including the duty of hospitality. The tasks for this duty can be defined as follows.

A receptionist may also have other duties, which leads to a long overview of different duties with related tasks. Based on these tasks, a job analyst or L&D professional can evaluate the frequency, importance and difficulty of the task. They gather this information by looking at the job description and talking to the manager and employees. This job analysis provides input for steps 2 and 3 of the process. Step 3. Define the required knowledge and skills

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The relationship building and commercial behavior we defined earlier must be specified before we can move on to the training program. The more precisely we can make these behaviors, the easier it will be to create training programs that meet these behavioral dimensions.

S7. Use information related to the customer’s decision-making process, the organizational structure and the profile of all individuals involved in the purchase decision

K1. Closing Techniques (eg, assume close, close on minor points, overcome objection as an obstacle to the sale, offer incentive to close, use last chance, ask for business directly)

Mapping Out Your Education: Creating A Comprehensive Degree Strategy In D.c.

As you can see, we combined the three behaviors into two groups of behaviors and defined the necessary skills and knowledge for each. We used the Canadian Professional Sales Association competency framework for core skills and

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