Mapping Your Future: Creating A Degree Strategy For Singaporean Students

Mapping Your Future: Creating A Degree Strategy For Singaporean Students

Mapping Your Future: Creating A Degree Strategy For Singaporean Students – Your Career Plan provides tools and information to help you explore career options. experience Prepare for your future career and find a job, whether it’s your first job after graduation. Or a part-time job or a summer job for now.

You’ll notice that the My Career Plan diagram has no beginning or end. That’s because your needs, skills, interests, and circumstances are constantly changing. Different aspects will be more important to you at different times in your life. However, the following is the order we recommend at the Career Center for students who: Want to build a career and find a rewarding job in their field after graduation Even if they still don’t know what the profession or field is! We recommend using the My Career Plan to help you take a logical step forward as you begin your career exploration and job search.

Mapping Your Future: Creating A Degree Strategy For Singaporean Students

Mapping Your Future: Creating A Degree Strategy For Singaporean Students

There are several key aspects about yourself that you should clearly identify and communicate before beginning a career survey, including your skills, abilities, experiences, likes and dislikes, beliefs, desires, and accomplishments. The knowledge you gain in this section of the Career Plan will provide the foundation for your career exploration. Which is why we recommend this as the first step.

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This step in your career plan involves finding out more about potential. When you really take the time to understand who you are and what you want in your career You will need to research areas and careers that you think may be a good fit for you. You may also consider applying to graduate school or post-career programs to gain more specialized knowledge in your area of ​​interest.

Looking for opportunities in your career plans is next. Because the most successful job search is a targeted job search…and you can’t target your job search if you don’t know who you are or what you’re looking for. At this stage, you may It requires building skills and experience in the working world or in your chosen field. Or it may be necessary to connect with employers in your field. You’ll need to put together a strong resume and cover letter and hone your interview skills so that you can successfully identify what makes you a great candidate for the job you want.

Considering the relationship you already have Thinking about how you can connect with others in the future. and develop the skills to use your relationships in a mutually beneficial manner as the first step in your career plan. Making a great first impression and assertive communication in the workplace can increase your chances of success in the workplace. A strong workforce strategy helps your organization improve performance and navigate change. How you empower your people determines the benefits they bring to your business. You need a plan to develop and improve their skills to take full advantage of what they offer. The world is changing rapidly. And your personnel strategy must keep up by preparing for the unexpected and future proof. Let’s look at some ways to achieve this goal.

You have strategies for achieving business objectives and overall HR strategies. But are these strategies controversial? Is there a focus on how your employees will be successful in achieving the company’s goals? Employees are your greatest asset, however, if they don’t develop or feel connected to the company. They can disrupt the mission of the company.

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People strategies define the competencies needed to achieve goals. It also outlines how to achieve, manage and invest in the workforce to get the desired results. According to industry pioneers in business strategy, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the three pillars of developing a people strategy are leadership and culture. abilities and skills and human resources

Your people strategy should combine business and human resources strategies. Your organization’s values ​​about how you treat your employees should be set to ensure they feel engaged and motivated in achieving your goals. HR’s role is to support the people strategy by implementing what is needed to create a culture that encourages employees to reach their full potential.

One such strategy to consider is music streaming service Spotify. Katarina Berg, CHRO explains, “put people first. driven by purpose and increase business value.” How are HR strategies different from HR strategies?

Mapping Your Future: Creating A Degree Strategy For Singaporean Students

The definition of HR strategy may look like or be synonymous with HR strategy. But there are differences. Although the HR strategy is more of a plan for managing the logistics of employees, But personnel strategy refers to an organization’s philosophy on relations with employees.

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HR strategies include processes for recruitment, recruitment, appraisals, compensation, etc. HR strategies outline ways to improve the way employees perform their roles by evaluating and nurturing employee talent. as well as managing the relationship between employees and the organization. This puts skilled people in the right position to deliver what is needed to achieve business goals. Why do you need a people strategy?

Everything a business needs to succeed needs a map outlining where you’re headed and how you’ll get there. with personnel strategies You will have a clear definition and formula for the person you want to be employers for. Without it, your corporate culture will be scattered and may be heading in an inefficient direction.

Your people strategy should not only fit your current needs. It also withstands both anticipated and unforeseen changes.

What the future of your workplace will look like is unknown. But executing these ideas within your people strategy can help make workplaces more resilient in the future: 1. Build strong leadership.

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Effectively managing the capabilities of your organization is a key element in achieving success. If employees do not work together You will lack a team environment to work and maintain morale. When managers are a source of confidence and inspiration for their team. It motivates employees to rise to the level of company expectations.

Planning an HR career path is key to achieving your professional and personal goals. Shape your own HR career path with our new tools.

Having a Manager Empowerment Program will support leaders in action. It gives them the opportunity to grow in leadership abilities that they may otherwise lack. You can develop this type of program specifically for your company or find an outsource that meets your needs. It should present a variety of knowledge, such as effective listening and communication. and how to build trust and empathy. 2. Focus on employee involvement.

Mapping Your Future: Creating A Degree Strategy For Singaporean Students

Employee involvement should be an important part of your personnel strategy to provide a connection between employees and the company beyond their immediate area of ​​responsibility. Employees who see themselves as not just a job title but part of a valuable organization and partner. will feel more proud of the success of the business in fact “Highly engaged business unit behavior resulted in a 21% increase in profitability.”

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This doesn’t just mean regular team gatherings. It’s also about following principles to connect employees with business outcomes:

Transparency – Keeping all employees upfront about changes, challenges and new ventures. will connect them to what is behind the high-level decisions They’ll be more likely to support their efforts and spend less time guessing what’s going on behind the scenes.

Recognition – Those with outstanding performance or attitude should be periodically recognized and rewarded. They will feel appreciated and others will be motivated to go above and beyond their expectations. Employee recognition programs don’t have to involve multiple rewards. But it should be meaningful and fun for the recipient.

Responsibility – Don’t leave it to the strongest actors to slack off on others because they will feel resentment. Managers should be clear about the expectations of less successful employees. At the same time, it provides the necessary support and resources to help them improve.

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The goal of any people strategy is to turn employees into advocates for your brand. (Employee engagement profiles are defined in the report by Quantum Workplace.)

Enhancing the skills and knowledge of your employees should be the cornerstone of your company culture. Training opportunities to develop skills or teach new skills Give your business the capacity it needs to move internally.

When employees receive the education and information they need to perform their jobs well They will feel empowered. and increase productivity levels. A LinkedIn study on global talent trends for 2020 (see page 54) shows that more training opportunities will motivate 73% of employees to stay with their current employer.

Mapping Your Future: Creating A Degree Strategy For Singaporean Students

The L&D option should be more than mandatory training. and including opportunities that are presented inside the organization, online or offsite To train employees in technical or interpersonal skills Methods may include peer counseling. Microlearning or traditional interactive tutorials and seminars.

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Another way to invest in your employees is to encourage them to earn professional development certifications. You can provide certified resources and subsidize or reimburse them. as well as providing vacation time for studies and exams. 4. Opportunities for advancement in supply.

Planning for growth doesn’t just require decisions.

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