Maximizing Your University Years: Strategic Approaches To Your Degree In Singapore

Maximizing Your University Years: Strategic Approaches To Your Degree In Singapore

Maximizing Your University Years: Strategic Approaches To Your Degree In Singapore – Talent management is seen as a new organizational priority in managing people discussed by both academics and practitioners. The purpose of this research was to examine the role of talent management (TM), knowledge management (KM), university transformation (UT) and academic climate (AC) in enhancing the performance of private higher education institutions (PHEIs). This research used a quantitative approach by collecting data from 382 lecturers who worked in various private universities in Indonesia. Online questionnaire was used to collect data using a stratified random sampling method. These data were then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling – Partial Least Squares. Findings show that systematic deployment of talent management and knowledge management, university transformation and academic climate in PHEIs improves organizational performance. Developing a plan to transform their talent and business process is key to emphasizing its importance in shaping the nature and quality of PHEIs. Practical implication, PHEIs should provide a conducive study environment for talented lecturers. This study offers value addition to the resource-based view theory by managing skills and knowledge as essential resources for organizational transformation to maximize organizational performance.

No one would have expected that the era of change could bring such global change and uncertainty. According to Deschamps et al. (2020), the success of any organization depends on its ability to adapt to the changing business environment. For example, the age of change in the workplace is changing everything leading to the emergence of a new team with unprecedented new talents (Diezmann, 2018). The challenge of this era of change has had a great impact, especially on private higher education (PHEIs), because its activities are funded through self-financing (Santoso, 2022). There is a decrease in the number of private universities in Indonesia that decreased from 2018 to 2020 due to several factors such as bankruptcy and mergers and acquisitions (Hidayat, 2020). The field of education mainly focuses on technological developments and demands for the quality of graduates. However, higher education management faces challenges in designing and implementing the best strategies to retain talent (Veiga et al., 2019). This indicates the need to transform universities by redesigning structures, systems, shared values, strategies, skills and styles (Ravanfar, 2015).

Maximizing Your University Years: Strategic Approaches To Your Degree In Singapore

Maximizing Your University Years: Strategic Approaches To Your Degree In Singapore

The key to shaping higher education performance involves managing two primary sources of organizational competitive advantage: knowledge and skills (Abdullah et al., 2020). Talent and knowledge management help improve rankings and profits (Hazelkorn, 2017). By using organizational strategies with highly skilled employees, the talent management process is critical to the long-term growth of higher education institutions and success as an industry (Ming et al., 2016). Knowledge management is considered an integrated approach that allows institutions to meet demands for increased competitiveness (Oktavia et al., 2017), which further results in higher quality educational outputs (Rambe and Mbeo, 2017). Therefore, a combination of skills and knowledge management can help transform and achieve improved academic performance and competitiveness (Kim et al., 2014).

Writing Beyond The University

Indonesia is a member of the G20 and is considered an emerging country in Asia with large economic size and promise. Indonesia participates in the G20 to represent emerging nations, Southeast Asia and the Islamic world. In addition to the potential to be a gift, the demographic benefit can also provide challenges. It all depends on whether people of working age (ages 28-45) become productive when given access to proper training and education. Meeting workforce demand requires changes in higher education performance standards (Voet, 2014). Higher education in Indonesia needs to create a transformation plan to adapt to radical calls and attribute them to their operating environment by maximizing available resources (Abad-Segura et al., 2020). Also, higher education needs to hire high quality lecturers to innovate the teaching and learning process and address the disruptive changes in the educational environment (Farooq et al., 2017). Studies show that private universities strive for their financial resources, skilled employees, high-quality lecturers, innovative research, good reputation and national and international rankings (Sułkowski et al., 2019). As a result, these institutions must reconsider their governance and evaluate how they adapt to a rapidly changing market (Vlachopoulos, 2021).

Previous studies have documented different findings about talent management in organizations (King and Wyman, 2019; Narayanan et al., 2019; Wiesel et al., 2019; Hirsch and Festing, 2020). Although it is believed to have consequences on competitiveness (Kim et al., 2014; Harsch and Festing, 2020) and performance in general (Collings et al., 2019), this study covered several issues that have received little attention in the past. For example, previous studies on talent management have not collected enough information on higher education performance (Farooq et al., 2017; Maghdomi and Keika, 2017; Mohammed et al., 2020). Therefore, this study adds to the contribution of talent management in universities to prepare for higher performance and educational rankings. In addition, it describes the application of systematic talent management within an organization to support policies and strategies to change higher education (Erasmus et al., 2017).

Some studies assert a strong link between talent and knowledge management (Sparrow and Makram, 2015; Osigwelem, 2017; Miiro and Otham, 2018; Mohammed, 2018; Paisey and Paisey, 2018; Abdullah et al., 2020). However, there is a dearth of studies examining the relationship between talent management, knowledge management, university transformation and academic climate. Thus, this study reveals talent management as a unique organizational strategy mechanism that affects knowledge management, university transformation, and the intellectual environment of high performance education. Applying talent management and other components can predict academic climate for faculty members’ research performance, leadership, teaching and university performance (Maghdomi and Keikha, 2017). The study was conducted in Southeast Asia, where many higher education institutions cannot perform well in the QS World University Rankings due to lack of talent. Funding programs undertaken by the government as initiatives to strengthen competence and insight or industrial experience for lecturers to enhance the quality of the learning process and create quality human resources. But the results could not be seen because comprehensive talent management training is not implemented. The purpose of this article is to provide insight into how private higher education institutions can improve and sustain their performance. Resource-based views also offer added value to theory, talent management, and knowledge as essential resources for organizational transformation to maximize organizational performance. Figure 1 shows the conceptual model of the study.

The resource-based view theory (RBV) used in this study emphasizes the importance of resources and capabilities in creating competitive advantage. The approach provides a new explanation of talent management practices in organizations. In the 1990s, strategic corporate management shifted from an external focus to an internal focus (Wright et al., 1994). External focus is based on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the industry. In contrast, an internal focus focuses management on identifying assets, competencies, and capabilities to create a competitive advantage (Wright et al., 1994). Today, most knowledge talent management methods are based on the resource-based model. Identifying and developing talent in HR roles in organizations with multiple complex positions in the global labor market provides significant competitive advantage and increased performance (Muntean, 2014). The theory of resource-based view (RBV) linked with talent management to create a sustainable competitive advantage increases customer satisfaction by showing their commitment to the organization (Al-Azzam and Al-Quraan, 2018).

Components Of Strategy Execution

Universities are knowledge-based institutions whose performance mainly depends on the expertise, competence and excellence of teaching staff (Priyadarshini et al., 2016). According to the resource-based view of the firm, organizations must have valuable, rare, and irreplaceable resources to gain a competitive edge (Barney, 1991). Moreover, competition in the field of higher education is growing, and universities must attract and retain their valuable human resources to effectively adapt to the conditions of the job market (Anastasia et al., 2018). RBV theory is essential to understanding knowledge management because it emphasizes that knowledge can represent capabilities, knowledge and organizational information. The creation and transfer of this knowledge can lead to a competitive advantage (Hassan and Raziq, 2019). RBV theory enables knowledge transfer by promoting sustainable success at the individual level and across organizational units (Harzing et al., 2016). The strategy of dealing with human capital focuses not only on the need to recruit, develop and motivate employees but also on a more comprehensive approach to support organizations to maintain a competitive advantage (Suseno and Pinnington, 2017). Competent human resource is an essential factor to ensure the success of any quality management effort in the organization (Pantouvakis and Karakasnaki, 2017).

Talent management is an integrated planning process of recruiting, developing, managing and compensating employees (Sparrow and Makram, 2015). It is also defined as the process of recruiting, training, managing, developing, assessing and maintaining the organization’s most valuable talent (Polinia, 2017). Subsequently, knowledge management contributes to organizational strategy formulation because of its important role in decision making (Holsapple and Singh, 2001). There are three stages of decision making in complex situations; Intelligence, conception and selection processes.

The talent management process plays an important role in supporting knowledge creation strategies such as fostering knowledge creation and knowledge sharing (Whelan and

Maximizing Your University Years: Strategic Approaches To Your Degree In Singapore

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