What is a Gap Year?

Are you considering taking a semester off from school to pursue your passion, travel the world, or want to be a part of any educational activity? As per Gap Year Association, 92% of the students take a gap year to grow personally and professionally. Let’s explore gap year and what are its benefits and more!

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What is a Gap Year?

YouTube: The Learning Portal / Le Portail d’Apprentissage

A gap year is a semester or year of experience learning between high school graduation and college admission. Gap years are designed to allow students to take a break from academics to explore personal interests. If you’re thinking about taking a gap year, you should examine if it’s the best option for you and what you could learn from it. If you’re looking for a university course or a job, you’ll need to demonstrate that your year was not just enjoyable but also useful and significant. While thinking about taking a gap year, think about how different activities will help you grow emotionally and intellectually, contribute to a good cause, obtain a better awareness of the world, and build enterprise, maturity, dedication, and independence outside of formal schooling. Some institutions even have gap-year programs that are funded by them. The rising evidence that gap years might be helpful to students has led to institutional support for gap years.

According to one survey, the two most prevalent reasons for taking a gap year were burnout from high school’s competitive atmosphere and a desire to learn more about oneself. Students can benefit from gap years to rest, refocus, and discover more about themselves on their own time, which can help them with both of these issues.

Credits: Mint

Also Read: Best Gap Year Programs for 2022

What Can You Do in Your Gap Year?

  • Volunteering: Support a good cause while gaining essential experience. You may assist build a school in a third-world nation, participate in a wildlife conservation initiative, or teach youngsters
  • Travel:  At the same time, travel the world, learn about other cultures, and improve your self-sufficiency! You could hike through Southeast Asia, visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris, or buy a round-the-world ticket
  • Paid employment: You may make money while studying new skills at home or abroad
  • Work experience: Consider a work placement or internship if you wish to develop relevant experience and abilities for a certain job or topic you want to study. These might range in length from a few weeks to a year. You may or may not be paid depending on the sort of contract you are offered. Because they are quite popular and there is a lot of rivalry for spots, you should apply as soon as possible
  • Part-time courses: Take advantage of the chance to try something new. You may study a new language, program, participate in a new sport or musical instrument, or pick up a new practical skill like mechanics, carpentry, or cooking

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Gap Year Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
A chance to take a vacation from studying and come back invigorated. You may explore the world while volunteering and gaining vital professional experience. Some people find that taking a year off diverts their attention away from their long-term goals.
A productive gap year might look good on your resume. An uncontrolled gap year may not add much to your prospects; careful consideration and planning are required.
You might be able to link your experiences and activities to the subject you want to study. Returning to school or a job after a year off might be difficult.
You can work and save money to help pay for your higher education expenses or ambitions. It can be costly, and you may find yourself in a worse financial situation as a result.
If you don’t feel ready for further study or career, maturity will grow. Being slightly older and having some life experience might be advantageous in some occupations. You can find yourself spending your gap year merely ‘thinking about it if you don’t get organized.

What is the Best Way to Finance a Gap Year?

Many expenses might be incurred during a gap year. Travel expenditures, living expenses, spending money, visas/work permits, driving permits, insurance, internet, and mobile phone fees, equipment, including a thorough first aid kit, any hospital, medication, or health bills, and potentially even passport renewal are all examples. Here are some ideas for taking a gap year:

  • Work throughout the year (either in one place or while travelling)
  • Create a separate savings account and contribute to it regularly.
  • Raise money by participating in sponsored events and activities.
  • Request donations from family and friends (maybe instead of birthday presents) or paid duties from them.
  • Online, you may sell some of your unwanted stuff.
  • Apply to government/federal funding authorities, charities, and grant-making trusts for a grant or a loan.
  • Make a fundraising request to a local charity or service club.
  • Fill out an application for a bank loan or a training loan (known in the UK as Career Development Loans)

Should You Consider Taking a Gap Year?

Choosing to take a gap year is both exhilarating and terrifying! You’ll be venturing into an unknown land, and it may seem unusual to walk out into the globe and travel alone while your buddies stay at home and attend university. It’s normal to feel left out while everyone gets ready to decorate their dorm rooms or remember their academic schedules. Instead, you’ll be taking on something really difficult but gratifying, and you’ll come out of it even better equipped for college. So, start making plans for your gap year and getting on those aircraft because adventure awaits you.

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