What Will Disqualify You From Joining The Army

What Will Disqualify You From Joining The Army

What Will Disqualify You From Joining The Army – Intelligence Specialist 3rd Class Jacob Lambert, assigned to the U.S. Pacific Command Joint Intelligence Operations Center, uses an indirect calorimeter to check his metabolic rate during a Wellness Vehicle trip in June 2013. (US Navy photo).

To join the Army, you must be medically qualified. And while there are some obvious conditions, like the fact that you can’t carry with you diseases that would endanger your platoon, there are also other disqualification conditions that may surprise you.

What Will Disqualify You From Joining The Army

What Will Disqualify You From Joining The Army

All disqualifying diseases, disorders, and conditions adopted by the U.S. military are listed in the International Classification of Diseases code under the United Nations’ World Health Organization.

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Task & Purpose caught up with Navy recruiter Lt. Michelle Stein, who shared some lesser-known medical conditions and, in some cases, how you can deal with them. In addition, Stein also asked about stories of crazy, astonishing medical ineptitude around his station in Tucson, Arizona. We’ve compiled our favorites, and here are six unusual situations that could keep you from joining the military.

Although this is one of the most widely debated conditions that can get you kicked out of the military, the answer is yes – it is real. While someone with flat feet can serve in the military, it depends on the severity. If someone has “symptomatic” flat feet, which indicates that the condition causes the person long-term physical pain, he or she cannot serve.

Spinal cord disorders and conditions are taken very seriously by the Army. Many jobs have rigorous physical demands and standards, and having any type of back problem can be detrimental to your health and force readiness. However, according to the Tucson recruiting office, as a result of misalignment of the curvature of the spine, your butt may be too big to serve you. enough said.

Your dental health is very important when joining the military; You can’t have too many cavities. According to the International Classification of Diseases, any dental problem that interferes with normal diet, or involves complex dental implant systems with complications, will disqualify you from service. Having braces may also disqualify you temporarily.

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To join the military you must have normal genitalia. According to the Tucson recruiting office, one man who was trying to join could not because his testicles were too large. As a result, he was permanently disqualified. However, this is not the only concern. The absence of one or both testicles, whether congenital, acquired, or unexplained absence of a testicle is also unacceptable according to military standards.

Although this may seem obvious, it is not always a black-and-white issue. Although having a history of psychological issues that previously led to self-mutilation is unacceptable, there are also instances in which an accident or childhood mistake was treated as a form of self-harm. The Tucson office reported that a child hoping to be admitted had burned or cauterized a claw mark on his arm when he was 13, and was disqualified for self-mutilation.

Despite the fact that dry skin rashes and oily skin conditions are not contagious, you cannot adopt either one of these and join forces. Eczema – although it can be treated with prescriptions – can also be debilitating. It is dry, itchy and spreads. Acne, on the other hand, ranges from requiring antibiotics to interfering with proper wearing of gas masks.

What Will Disqualify You From Joining The Army

“The way it works is we do a medical prescreen that has over a hundred questions, and it tries to give us a general idea before we send us to the military entrance processing station,” Stein said. What would be disqualifying.”

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Often, Stein said, one of the biggest issues is that people will overshare, and disqualify themselves before they even get to MEPS. His advice was to never list anything in your medical history that had not previously been recorded by a medical professional.

In some cases, and in the event that you have a good Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test score, a medical waiver option is available. For some people, some recruiters will work with you and advocate on your behalf in some cases where they believe your condition will not interfere with your service.

Jobs in the military can also be a determining factor in terms of medical exemptions. If you are flexible about your military occupational specialty, your waiver may be more likely to be accepted. U.S. Army PFC. Shaundra Koch holds a stethoscope during a medical civilian assistance program at the Nerakh district center in Wardak province, Afghanistan, October 21, 2009.

It’s no surprise that service members must be in good physical shape to serve in the military. However, there are some medical conditions you may not know about that may prevent you from service.

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The military sets certain physical requirements that those wishing to serve must meet, and recruits must undergo a medical examination. While joining, they will also have to disclose significant medical conditions.

Sometimes remission from medical professionals is an option for some medical conditions, especially those related to vision and weight. However, others – such as depression and Crohn’s disease – may disqualify you from service, especially if they have affected your education or employment in the past.

It is important to note that many conditions are not always permanently disqualifying and should not discourage potential applicants. The recruiter and military doctor will determine whether they will impact your duties.

What Will Disqualify You From Joining The Army

If you have a history of food allergies, you may be disqualified from joining the military. This is because service members may serve in locations where there are not extensive food options or where medical care is not readily available in case of reactions. Recruits who are sensitive to only certain foods will not be disqualified.

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The Army defines allergies as “a reliable history of moderate to severe reactions to common foods, spices, or food additives.” However, the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps are somewhat more specific, defining allergies as reactions accompanied by anaphylaxis. Prospective recruits may get exemption in certain circumstances.

Similar to ineligibility for allergies, those suffering from celiac disease may not be able to attend potential recruitment. The reasoning behind this is based on food availability and the possibility of gluten cross-contamination. The US military has a history of downplaying food intolerances, causing some to hide their conditions for fear of dismissal. The good news is that celiac disqualification may be nearing its end as meal-ready-to-eat (MRE) manufacturers are offering more gluten-free options.

If you’ve ever had an uncomfortable rash after contact with certain types of soap, plants, or other substances, you may have contact dermatitis. Because service members are exposed to a variety of substances, you may be disqualified from military service if you have uncontrolled reactions. If the reaction may cause the recruit to be unable to perform regular duties, he or she may not be eligible for military service. Recruiters with minor, controllable symptoms can request a waiver.

Asthma, if requiring treatment after a recruit’s 13th birthday, may disqualify an individual from service. This is a change from the Army’s previous disqualification of all candidates with any history of asthma. If the person is in possession of an inhaler, he or she is likely to be disqualified. Applicants who have experienced asthma after the age of 13 require medical documentation and may receive a waiver based on their medical history. To receive the exemption, recruits are required to undergo a Pulmonary Function Test (PFT). If the recruitment passes, branches may allow the recruit to serve.

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When you’re on the journey to straightening your teeth, your ability to join forces is likely to be limited until all orthodontic fixtures are removed for traditional treatment or Invisalign. Retainers are permitted as long as all dental treatment is completed. Individuals who are permitted to enlist may participate in the Delayed Entry Program if an orthodontist proves that all active treatment will be completed before the enlistee is sworn into active duty.

Other dental issues, such as a tooth extraction or tooth replacement, may result in disqualification if there are potential complications or trouble eating food later during the service. People admitted with cavities will not be disqualified as long as they are properly treated and filled.

Service members are placed in a variety of situations involving moving vehicles. Because motion sickness can be disabling, many branches list it as a disqualifying medical condition if it persists beyond childhood. The resolution of persistent motion sickness is determined on a case-by-case basis, and remission is sometimes possible. Additionally, Army and Navy aviators may undergo counseling and desensitization that may qualify them for a waiver. Generally, recruits who must take medication to cope with an illness are not eligible.

What Will Disqualify You From Joining The Army

Even though the military disqualifies candidates with motion sickness, there are still service members who fall ill. However, a new invention is being developed to deal with it among military personnel and civilians. Ototec, a device strapped to a headband, tricks the brain to ignore sensations of motion sickness. The device is still in the testing phase.

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Although acne may be a minor discomfort for teenagers and adults, it can be reason to disqualify a recruit.

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